You may be feeling small, invisible, frightened, or estranged from your own true feminine power.
Society’s belittling and limiting scripts, coupled with loss, fear, and negative experiences, can really do a number on our feminine minds. The result: we fall out of touch with our own spiritual power.
This book will enable women worldwide to correct this negative trend. A great feminine energy fuels everything – inspiring and compelling action and change.
It is my task as a traditional goddess priestess, author, and teacher of the Vedic way to introduce you to this transpersonal feminine force and how to unite with the fullness of the divine feminine in all life circumstances. T

"Acharya Shunya's Newest Book is an Enlightening and Empathetic Guide to Finding One’s Inner Strength."
"Shunya’s writing reflects her teaching/speaking style. She retells key traditional stories, analyzing them creatively and insightfully, while connecting them to history, social movements."
Original art from the book © 2022 Ekabhumi Charles Ellik.
Meet Durga—A divine feminine role model who vanquishes internalized oppression. Durga teaches you how to take back our full feminine power conviction and self-sourced approval and esteem!
Divine Mother Goddess Lakshmi—Known for her beauty and generous spirit shall i guide you to cultivate unshakable inner contentment and soul-aligned abundance.
Joyfully celebrate Goddess Saraswati—The ultimate teacher of our deepest journey to Self, Saraswati illuminates the gifts of wisdom, peace, and inner freedom by owning our authentic voice and desires.
Within you is a wellspring of strength and resilience, the ability to create and enjoy abundance, and an expansive sense of inner freedom and divinity. Yet after centuries of living in patriarchal societies, many women don’t realize how powerful they are—or how much they’ve been enculturated to keep their true nature hidden.
With this feminist manifesto rooted in classic Vedic teachings, trail-blazing Vedic spiritual teacher Acharya Shunya empowers women everywhere to step into their divine immensity and lead powerful, abundant, and wise lives. Sharing classic myths, original insights, and empowering practices, Shunya honors her progressive Vedic roots while breaking the shackles of tradition, and offers a profound process for awakening the many faces of the goddess within.
"Acharya Shunya, the first female head of an ancient Vedic lineage, brings the powerful Hindu goddesses Durga,..." Read more
Rachael Wooten, PhD
“Through my work as a yoga advocate and spiritual activist, I’ve found it increasingly important to turn to..." Read more
“In this timely and transformational book, Acharya Shunya offers spiritual seekers a much-needed..." Read more
“What Acharya Shunya has accomplished in this book is nothing short of a reinterpretation of the Hindu..." Read more
Rev. Dr. John R. Mabry
“In this modern compendium of ancient Hindu goddess mythology, Archarya Shunya teaches us how to..." Read more
“Tuning into the archetypal and symbolic energies of Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati offers us a way to embody..." Read more
“Roar Like a Goddess is a much-needed clarion call for every woman (and man) to stand up and exclaim..." Read more
Richard Miller,
“Roar Like a Goddess is my favorite kind of mythological book, as it demands the contemporary reinterpr..." Read more
Rev. Meghan
“Roar like a Goddess is radical permission to embrace our holy wrath, highest pleasure, and deepest aut..." Read more
Vera de La Chalambert