Audio Book Available
Unshackle Your Mind Free Your Spirit
There’s a reason that the Vedas, a 5,000-year-old collection of celebrated verses from ancient India, have given rise to several world religions and influenced Western thinkers from Emerson to Ram Dass—they provide us with a uniquely accessible and effective path to liberation and sovereignty.
With Sovereign Self, Acharya Shunya shares a groundbreaking guide to the wisdom of these classic texts so that each of us may emancipate ourselves from restrictive belief systems and discover our true nature—that which is always whole, joyful, and free.
As the first female lineage holder in a 2,000-year-old line of spiritual teachers, Shunya provides a rare opportunity to receive these authentic teachings from a genuine Vedic master—one with a distinctly down-to-earth, feminine flavor who never lets us forget that our humanity is to be embodied and enjoyed.
​You too can wake up from being a “sleepwalker” and find authentic freedom, everlasting joy, and unshakable sovereignty
Filled with hidden insights and engaging guidance, Sovereign Self will help you awaken and recognize your potential to be joyful, resourceful, abundant, limitlessly expansive, and sovereign.

My Life was Not Always Sovereign-
For a while, my mind was plunged in the depths of darkness, devastated from sorrowful relationships, despairing from the sudden deaths of people I loved, and disheartened by the shocking curve balls that life can throw our way.
Yet despite everything—even losing my sense of worth for a short time along the way—here I am. I feel the power, wholeness, and joy of being alive! These are not mere words. This is my visceral experience of my own self-worth after I regained the sovereignty to write my life script anew. I don’t regret my learning curve, my mistakes in the past. I am proud to be mentally and spiritually sovereign today, and you can be too.
I am confident, that if you read my book, you too will finally begin leading the life you were always meant to lead…
Absolute authority over your inner world is your spiritual birthright. This book will give you the tools to reclaim a sovereign life. No matter what set of limitations and restrictions you currently face, self- imposed or societally imposed, they will fall away.
Your mind will become fearless, bold, and unassailable-
I am confident that just I was inspired by the wisdom of Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita to shed limiting patterns and shackling attachments that were holding me back, you too will be able to tap into the wisest, boldest and most authentic and fearless version of yourself!
I invite you to…
Begin the journey to radical self-acceptance—recognize your innate soul worth and wholeness
Discover how we humans create our own prisons of shame, compulsion, blame, and obsession—and how you can begin to break free
Learn to embody personal autonomy in your life and relationships
Take up original meditations and contemplative practices taken directly from my lineage
How to wake up from being a “sleepwalker” and find authentic freedom, everlasting joy, and unshakable sovereignty

In this episode, Tami Simon and Acharya Shunya explore the human spiritual journey from feeling afraid to feeling powerful, from bondage to sovereignty. Offering unique perspectives that come from being both a woman and a householder, as well as the spiritual leader of her lineage, Acharya Shunya describes the boundless essence of spirit we all have within, the importance of breaking free from the cultural limitations that prevent us from remembering our true spiritual freedom, and how Vedic wisdom provides us with a timeless guided journey to spiritual sovereignty.
“Acharya Shunya’s book arrives is an age when people are thirsting for an authentic path to lead from to..." Read more
“The Vedic idea of the sovereign and blissful Self, and the psychic discipline to recover it from oblivion while living our..." Read more
“Sovereign Self is a beautifully written and masterful guidebook that eloquently shows us how to recognize..." Read more
“The highest form of dispersing Vedic wisdom is by example. If you have the privilege of meeting Acharya..." Read more
“This book is a masterpiece written from the heart by a Vedic scholar, a step-by-step teaching that brought Acharya Shunya..." Read more
“The essence of yoga is Self-knowledge, the realization of our true nature as pure consciousness. Acharya Shunya..." Read more
“This beautiful work is a treasury of Vedic knowledge and wisdom that is both practical and inspiring..." Read more
"Sovereign Self is an integral guide to psycho-spiritual well being based on the wisdom traditions of India. Acharya Shunya..." Read more
“Sovereign Self is a most welcome addition to the burgeoning shelves of books that apply India’s ancient..." Read more
“This contemplative gem encapsulates the best of spiritual reflection. Each chapter starts with a pithy quote..." Read more
“The power and beauty of storytelling is such that one can impart complex concepts to a child or a scientist alike..." Read more