This morning as I was contemplating in meditation the phrase I AM kept repeating in my thoughts. It was a soothing experience and I realized how much peace our Vedic teachings are bringing into my being. I truly felt the essence and truth of I AM in my body, mind and spirit. It made me soften, smile and give me hope all at the same time.
I realized how much time I’ve spent in my life before these teachings on what I wasn’t and how boggled down I felt by constant self limiting throughts and beliefs I had.
I felt proud of the progress that I’ve made and grateful that the consistency of the teachings and this wisdom is changing my thoughts.
After my meditation and bath I came to the Soveriegn Self book and took a moment to look out at the trees and breathe I AM into my being. Before I opened Acharya Shunya ji’s Sovereign Self book I took a moment of appreciation and presence. Sometimes I like to open any of her books “randomly” or as I think of it auspiciously to see what teachings would be helpful to read at that moment. I opened the book right to Chapter 13 (pg. 205) titled Shama: Managing Your Thoughts-Really!
I smiled knowing that my meditation and reflections were leading me further into our teachers words. This chapter is filled with of a technique called pratipaksha Bhavani~the method of thinking deliberate opposite thoughts! It then goes into our teachers direct thought management model and she says on page 208- I AM ENOUGH is a sovereignty-generating thought.
The end of the chapter had a guided practice which is a contemplation for a sattvic mind filled with I AM affirmations.
This experience and synchronicity that I had made my realize the magic that is alive in our studentship. The weaving of spirit, support and divination continues to keep me in awe even after several years of studentship!
These I AM teaching’s I found are also deeply connected to our Bhakti yoga teachings as we learned from the Baghavad Gita Chpt 4 v 14 that when we surrender, lay down our mind and ego, we realize how much shraddha/trust we have in our Selves and in Ishvara! I find such delight in how beautifully our various sources of teachings interconnect, each showing us WE ARE THAT! Jai Maa!
Jai Maa Soumya - Yes! I share your appreciation and joy in both synchronicity and karmic perfection of these teachings. So many times the exact right teaching has revealed itself to me at the exact right moment. Its a joy!