Navratri 2024
The Sacred Surrender
Daily Goddess Invocations - Audio Files
You will find Acharya Shunya's daily Goddess Invocation audio files posted below after each live session. You will retain access to these teachings for three months. This is a perfect time to re-listen and reconnect to each of these 9 Goddess Avatar. Jai Maa!
9 Sacred Goddesses
Prathamam Shailputri cha
Dwitiyam Brahmacharini
Tritiyam Chandraghanteti
Kushmaandeti Chaturthakam
Panchamam Skandmaateti
Shashtam Kaatyayneeti cha
Saptamam Kaalraatriti
Mahagauriti Chaashtamam
Navamam Sidhhidaatri cha
Navadurgaah Prakeertitaah
Uktaanyetani Naamaani Brahmannaiva Mahaatmanaa
First is Shailputri (goddess of soul-determination)
Second is Brahmacharini (goddess of Sacred self-discipline)
Third is Chandraghanta (goddess of righteous power)
Kushmanda (goddess of inner happiness) is fourth.
Fifth is Skandmata (goddess who nurtures you like a child)
Sixth is Katyayini (goddess of divine creativity )
Seventh is Kalaratri (goddess of the dark night of overcoming spiritual
Maha Gouri (goddess of self-rejuvenation) is eighth.
Ninth is Siddhidatri (The Goddess of Self Actualization. who grants all
worthy desires).
The nine goddesses, relievers of challenges and inspirers of wisdom, have
been with happiness named and acknowledged.
These Names were indeed uttered by (none other than) the great-souled Brahma.